Sunday 3 January 2016

Never Too Cool for School

School reopens tomorrow! I would figure this symbolizes nightmare for most students in the entire country, and very understandably so.

After all, what have we been doing since the end of our last school year? Hanging out with friends, going on vacations, pursuing our interests and hobbies…or if you were lazy, just chillin’ at home (and screwing up your sleeping schedule entirely). And now, to think that the end is nigh, and that tomorrow you will be heading back to school to continue your year-long affair with homework, assignments, teachers, examinations and what not?

Let it out, buddy. I feel you. Let it ALL out.

Like many of you, my fellow juniors, I have been keeping myself quite busy since graduation and the end of examinations last year. I enjoyed my holidays thoroughly, but like tomorrow, all that will have to take the back seat for quite a while, as I, like you, bid farewell to my holidays.

Nope, not going to school. I’m officially starting work tomorrow as an assistant tutor at a daycare centre.

And if you’re wondering how I’m feeling about it, well, ‘terrified’ would be an understatement. (I’ve been told by my teacher to imagine myself in a psychiatric centre.) But I digress…

For many years now, I’ve loathed the idea of heading back to school myself. Getting to see your schoolmates after so long was a pleasant prospect, but school nonetheless was still a wet blanket. Now that I’ve graduated (again…this time for good) though, that wouldn’t be a worry for me anymore.

Do I miss school? Honestly, not really. I don’t miss having need to force myself to sleep and wake up at 5.30a.m. to get ready to catch the school bus. I don’t miss the heaps of homework and assignments high school students need to deal with consistently. I don’t miss teachers that not only do not inspire me, but make it a point to be on every student’s “most hated” list. I don’t miss going to school and studying about subjects that serve no purpose (*cough* moral *cough* education *cough*) and things I have zero interest in. I don’t miss students that are obnoxious, childish, lack substance and seem to enjoy staying that way. I don’t miss preparing and sitting for examinations (or at least, examinations that I know I won’t excel in). Plus a whole lot of other things…

I’ll tell you what I do miss though. I miss genuine friends who are genuine human beings that I genuinely care for. I miss conversing with them about almost everything, from silly happenings and interests to our goals and aspirations. I miss doing impressions of several teachers with a few buddies, much to the amusement of our ‘audience’. I miss being under the tutelage of teachers who not only teach, but also educate and inspire. I miss letting words and phrases flow freely in the form of an essay and having them graded by my teachers to see how I can improve. I miss having the platform to express myself through poetry, debates, public speaking and presentations. I miss the intense preparations with my teammates before competitions. I miss reaping the sweet, succulent fruits of success with them at the end, and realizing that we’ve created memories and forged friendships that we would cherish dearly for the rest of our lives. I miss being appointed to host several major school events and ceremonies. I miss working intensely on projects that I was a part of with my fellow schoolmates and having a blast while keeping busy. I miss venturing into opportunities my school bestowed upon me that have allowed me to expand my horizons. Most of all, I miss JUST being a student and not having need to worry about so much in life.

Very few would proudly proclaim their affinity to schools in this day and age. And that’s perfectly fine. While the prospect of ‘school’ alone may turn more than a few stomachs foul, it’s the moments and experiences in school that truly define the memorable school lives of so many adults. These memories leave them longing to travel back in time just to relive those experiences once more. I for one know that everything I went through in school, primary or secondary, have shaped me into the person I am today. And if anything, I am eternally grateful for that.

So I sincerely hope you bear this in mind as you head back to school in the morning: many exciting (or terrifying, depending on how you see things) experiences await you in this brand new school year. Welcome them with open arms. Embrace them. Enjoy them. Be active. Dare to make mistakes and learn from them. Before you know it, 2016 will fly past you in a blink of an eye. And you’ll find yourself wanting to relive all your memorable moments in school as you inch closer and closer to graduation.

Happy first day (and many days ahead) of schooling! In the words of Taylor Swift, “take a deep breath as you walk through the doors”.

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